Sean and I realized this weekend that on Tuesday we will have known each other for 10 years.
Wedding + 3 kids + 3 moves + 1 big house remodel + Sarah's different careers + Sean's growing business + schools + hobbies..... = One big happy family.
Sean and I were fortunate this weekend to get to spend two nights on the Oregon Beach (kid free). With the kids safely tucked in at Grammy and Popop's house Sean and I headed to a family beach house and enjoyed a 100% relaxing weekend. I can honestly say I can't remember a weekend when I had no responsibilities and no expectations. Normally when I'm in a situation like this (even if for a few hours) I feel the need to accomplish something like fold the laundry, finish a project, unload the dishwasher. I didn't even unpack our bags this weekend. Sean and I went for a run, ate a wonderful and simple breakfast, hit the outlet mall, watched 2 movies, slept in, and read trashy magazines. Check out Sean with his first ever Star Magazine.
Sarah taking a nap at two in the afternoon.
Self portrait
On our way back from the beach we went exploring in the Eola Hills outside of Salem. Absolutely, beautiful. Check out the local wildlife and gorgeous views.
It was a perfect weekend!
p.s. The kids had a great weekend as well. They got to go here. After their afternoon at the Ag Fest Bryn exclaimed to Grammy, "This is the best day of my life!" (She has a lot of those.)
1 comment:
Sarah, I am so glad you guys had fun! You've accomplished an awful lot in 10 years, it's about time you took two days off to relax. Cheers and happy happy happy to the cutest couple I know!
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