Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Only 1 week till the big day!

not so black bird

some pre-halloween thoughts...

current favorite halloween movies to watch with the kids are casper the friendly ghost, monster house or any scooby doo flick...

my mother always made potato soup on halloween. i crave it to this day. unfortunately, i don't get to make it on halloween because no one in my house likes potatoes but me...

scarier movies i can't wait to watch with my kids when they're older are gremlins, tremors, watcher in the woods, something wicked this way comes and the legend of sleepy hollow...

when a tween if we ever procrastinated putting together a costume we always seemed to end up as hobos...

i loved being a hula girl in 5th grade...

black cats are in this year. especially vintage remakes. i love seeing them everywhere. black birds next year?

1 comment:

Shaka said...

ohhh, watcher in the woods-that one still haunts me-i'm not a very brave person! we used to watch that at all of the church sleepovers!