Tuesday, February 17, 2009


do you ever feel humbled by the creativity of children? i am constantly thinking of new projects and working them out over and over in my head. make a draft, make a list..... for valentine's day this year i talked gray into making robots. i was so excited. in my head i had a design idea for one robot that we would repeat for everyone. the robot had about 12 different shapes and then gray was going to use the shapes i pre-cut for him and arrange the robots according to my design. hunter and bryn sat down to help gray and before i could explain all my directions they had started creating their own designs. it took me a few moments to let it go and in the end they were all fun creations. they even named their new robots.... love-bot, chicken-bot, r2d2-bot, kitty-bot, buggy-bot, destroyer-bot, little-bot........


Ruth said...

Don't ya just love the creativity of children.

Amy said...

These turned out SO awesome! I loved helping Gray distribute them to everyone's bags so I could see each individual card.