hunter and bryn: a crayon is a crayon; a sharpie is a sharpie; watercolors are watercolors; but when mixed together they can be so much more
bryn: waffles taste so much better when in the shape of hello kitty
family: at the beach you can feel the warm sun on your face one day and the next day it can rain LOTS and LOTS and LOTS
sarah: the sound of 5 happy boys (9,9,9,7,4) playing for almost 24 hours straight is a sound that makes me feel very lucky
bryn: aunty lulu and devyn are sooooo much fun at sleepovers
sarah: dinner with friends (6 adults & 8 kids) is the best way to start spring break week
hunter, bryn & gray: fruit loops on donuts from voodoo donuts are the best
family: good-byes can mean new beginnings
hunter: sometimes a great idea in your mind isn't as much fun as you think it's going to be (such as a plan not to leave your house during spring break)
hunter and bryn: sleepovers are the best but can make you very tired the next day
family: yes... snow is possible in late march
gray: just go with the flow and mom will let you stay up late... late... late