It was the most wonderful memorable summer I could have ever imagined and I'm having a hard time letting go. We had to jump from summer mode to school mode with hardly any time to say good-bye to summer. So, officially here I am saying good-bye to summer so that I can start dressing Bryn in brown, watch the squirrels bury nuts in my yard, search for the best fallen leaf, savor the anticipation of Halloween (my favorite holiday) getting closer, and cozying up in a big sweater.
ABC recap of our summer the kids and I wrote on our road trip home from California.
A - Apples cut like rabbits that Hunter would eat in Japan but won't let me make for his lunch box now.
B - Birthdays! Birthdays! Birthdays! All 5 of us from May 21st to September 4th! There is also Cousin Cyan, Aunt Cathryn, Aunty Lulu, Cousin Elliot, Grandma Yvonne, Grandad Charles, Grammy, and many friends. It makes for one fun summer.
C - Camping with friends. Cabin. Comic Book Class. Canoe Trip. Card Tricks.
D - Dance Dance Revolution (XBox 360) with those who shall not be named (you know who you are). And someday I will beat you.
E - Emerson and Elliot our cousins who we had a great time time with at the cabin.
F - Fruits family whom we all love so much.
G - Gearhart. Grandma T. Grizzly Bear Gulch at the SF Zoo.
H - Helvetia Half Marathon. Hula Dancers. Harry Potter.
I - "It won't be long now" - Grayson's catch phrase of the summer.
J - Jones Family. We had a great time hanging out.
K - Karaoke Party. Korbel Winery Deli.
L - Lulu's 80th Birthday Celebration!
M - Miniature Golf with Colleen. Bryn mastered the Monkey bars. Mosquitoes or lack of all summer (not that we're complaining).
N - Nippon (Japan)
O - Oaks Park for our amusement and Aunty Marion's Oak Park for swimming and relaxation in Santa Rosa. Odd Fellows Recreation Club.
P - Pirates! Pirate Birthdays all summer. EAT A LIME !
Q - Queen of Drama or Drama Queen? Yes, we mean Bryn.
R - Russian River. Road Trip with Grandma T.
S - Shuki. Swimming. Sunscreen (3 big bottles that is).
T - Trillium Lake with Adair/Zwierzynski family and Kirkeby family.
U - Umbrellas in Japan.
V - Vancouver 18-mile run.
W - Wigglees Wonder Worm(don't waste your money).
X - X-rays! Both Sean and Bryn got zapped this summer for a hamstring and the other for a foot.
Y - Yellow Watermelon we ate in Japan straight from the garden.
Z - ZOTS! The kids tried for the first time and loved them. We are a suck the fizz out first kind of family.
Autumn here we come!
1 comment:
I love your recap of summer. You really did a lot of different things. I enjoyed your book reviews too. Which one should I read? When are we going to have another mother-daughter weekend. Maybe after your marathon.
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