Arachnophobia (the movie) scared me up for life. I always check for spiders whether I'm getting in the shower or my bed and I never stick my hand under a lampshade without looking first.
I love hanging out with my parents and I would love to live next door to them.
Someday I'll have to blog about why they are sitting in the park with the Wheel of Fortune while my dad reads ShopNotes.I'm not a nice person in the morning. I'm what you'd call a
Not A Morning Person. My parents had a no talking to Sarah rule before school rule growing up and my father found it necessary to warn Sean about my morning issues before we were married. After almost 10 years of marriage Sean still wakes up smiling and ready to give lots of hugs and kisses. I may not show it at 7:00a.m. but I do appreciate it.
I was with my girlfriend Danielle the night I met Sean at
Kells. Sean was with his guy friend Colby. Danielle and Colby who also met for the first time that night ended up getting married to each other 1 year after us. About 2 years ago my brother Tom met his current girlfriend there.
Right now I am completely surrounded by friends who are compassionate, kind, fun, friendly, happy, inspiring and insightful. It's a great feeling.
My dream job (besides a job that would save the world) would be the most talked about science fiction writer in the world. ahhhh.. to create worlds, space traveling vehicles and intergalactic bureaucratic tension...
I grew up on my father's hobby farm. We raised cows, chickens, rabbits and sheep. So who would guess that I have a fear of taking care of household pets? We once had the preschools guinea pig for a weekend and I called the teacher twice with guinea pig life fearing questions. Sean really wants a dog. I'm holding strong. A dirty fish tank with two sad fish are all the animals I need right now.
Shaka that was fun and random. Hopefully not to boring. Three PDX girls that I'd love to know 7 random things about...
AmyMeeganAmyI'd also love to know 7 random things about Charles, Yvonne, and Lulu. Mom and Colleen do you thing you could surprise me with 7 random facts about yourselves?